A Beginner's Guide to Guarana Seed as a Natural Nootropic

A Beginner's Guide to Guarana Seed as a Natural Nootropic

The human eye, an evolutionary masterpiece, epitomizes the genius of nature—a complex organ transforming light into visions that shape our understanding of the world.

It also reflects our deepest emotions, revealing the beauty and perils in our lives.

In the heart of the Amazon, where the lush canopy overwhelms the forest below, a similar story of growth and perception unfolds.

The Guarana shrub, or Paullinia cupana, often referred to as the Eye of the Jungle, thrives in a relentless pursuit of life. Amidst the forest's competitive embrace, it stretches skyward, reaching up to 40 feet to soak in the Brazilian sunlight.

As it fruits, the appearance is striking—a red husk holding a black seed, nestled in a white aril, a vivid representation of the human eye and a symbol of the intricate link between nature and human perception.

For generations, the Guarana has been held in high esteem by the indigenous peoples of the Brazilian rainforest, seen as the origin of all knowledge. Now, its recognition has spread across the globe, celebrated for its exceptional qualities in boosting alertness, energizing the senses, and supporting health and vitality.



  • What is Guarana Seed?
  • Guarana Seed as a Nootropic
  • Scientific Evidence on Guarana Seed's Benefits
  • Health Benefits Beyond Cognition
  • How to Use Guarana Seed
  • Safety and Side Effects


Beginner's Guide to Guarana Seed as a Natural Nootropic

Vintage illustration of a guarana plant with red berries on a textured background


What is Guarana Seed?

Definition and Background

Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a treasured plant found in the lush Amazon basin, specifically celebrated for its small, red fruits and dense, seed-packed clusters.

These seeds are known for their stimulating effects, attributed to their rich caffeine content, making guarana a unique natural energizer.

Indigenous communities in the Amazon have revered guarana for centuries, leveraging its potent properties for a variety of uses, most notably to boost energy and alertness.

Chemical Composition of Guarana Seed

The chemical composition of guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a tapestry of bioactive compounds that confer both its potent stimulatory effects and a range of health benefits.

The guarana seed, renowned for its high caffeine concentration, indeed contains more caffeine than the coffee bean, typically ranging from 3.6% to 5.8% of its dry weight, compared to approximately 1-2% in coffee beans.

This high caffeine content is primarily responsible for guarana's stimulating effects, including increased alertness, reduced mental fatigue, and enhanced cognitive performance.

Beyond caffeine, guarana seeds harbor a rich profile of other bioactive compounds that contribute to its health-promoting attributes:

  • Theobromine: This compound, also found in chocolate, offers mild stimulant effects, somewhat similar to caffeine but with a slower onset and longer duration. Theobromine can enhance mood, stimulate the heart, and may act as a natural diuretic.
  • Tannins: Constituting up to 12% of the seed's dry weight, tannins in guarana possess significant antioxidant properties. They can help neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing cellular damage and inflammation. Tannins also play a role in the characteristic astringent taste of guarana.
  • Saponins: These compounds are known for their ability to support immune function and reduce cholesterol levels. Saponins can bind to bile acids and cholesterol, facilitating their excretion and thereby potentially reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Catechins: Guarana seeds contain catechins, powerful antioxidants that are also found in green tea. Catechins can help mitigate oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and have been linked to various health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease and improved brain health.

This complex chemical composition makes guarana a multifaceted supplement, offering benefits beyond its stimulant properties.

The combination of caffeine, theobromine, tannins, saponins, and catechins in guarana can contribute to enhanced physical performance, cognitive function, and overall health.

Moreover, guarana's antioxidant properties add a valuable dimension to its health benefits, suggesting potential roles in aging, cardiovascular health, and metabolic syndrome management.

Historical Context and Traditional Uses

The origin of guarana is enveloped in myth and legend among the indigenous tribes.

One such legend tells of a deity who gifted the plant to the people following the tragic death of a beloved village child, intending for the plant to serve as a source of rejuvenation and to bring joy back to the community.

This divine attribution underscores the sacred status of guarana within these cultures, symbolizing life, vitality, and well-being.

Traditionally, guarana cultivation and preparation were tasks that required specific knowledge and skills, often passed down through generations.

The seeds were meticulously harvested, cleaned, and then dried, either in the sun or over a fire.

Once adequately dried, the seeds were ground into a fine powder using tools made from stone or wood. This powder was then mixed with water to form a paste, which could be shaped into bars or cylinders for storage and later use.

This traditional process not only preserved the guarana but also made it a portable source of energy and nutrition for the tribes.

The consumption of guarana was deeply embedded in the social and ceremonial life of Amazonian tribes.

It was often consumed in the morning to invigorate the body and mind for the day ahead, much like coffee is used today.

However, its uses extended beyond mere stimulation. Guarana was a staple in healing rituals and was used medicinally to treat a plethora of ailments:

  • Energizing Effects: Guarana's most well-known effect, its ability to reduce fatigue and enhance stamina, was particularly valued during hunting expeditions and periods of labor-intensive work.
  • Medicinal Properties: Indigenous people utilized guarana to alleviate headaches, fever, and cramps. It was also believed to aid digestion, relieve diarrhea, and even to act as an aphrodisiac.
  • Cultural and Spiritual Significance: Guarana played a role in various religious and spiritual ceremonies, where it was consumed to cleanse the body and mind, and to prepare for spiritual practices.

The traditional uses of guarana have laid the foundation for its widespread adoption in contemporary society as a functional food and dietary supplement.

Modern research into guarana's effects supports many of the traditional claims about its benefits, particularly its stimulant and cognitive-enhancing properties.

As such, guarana has transcended its indigenous roots to become a globally recognized natural supplement, featured in energy drinks, nootropic formulas, and health products, all the while maintaining its deep historical significance and traditional uses as a testament to the knowledge and practices of Amazonian cultures.



Guarana Seed as a Nootropic

Understanding Nootropics

Nootropics, often dubbed "smart drugs" or "cognitive enhancers," are compounds that have the ability to enhance cognitive function, memory, creativity, or motivation in healthy individuals.

These substances range from synthetic compounds to natural supplements, with guarana (Paullinia cupana) standing out as a noteworthy natural nootropic due to its unique blend of stimulating and cognitive-enhancing properties.

Improves Cognitive Performance

Guarana's ability to enhance mental function, focus, and alertness is primarily linked to its high caffeine content, which is notably more concentrated than that found in coffee beans.

However, the cognitive benefits of guarana extend beyond the simple stimulatory effects of caffeine, involving a synergistic interaction of various bioactive compounds, including theobromine, tannins, saponins, and catechins.

This complex interaction contributes to guarana's efficacy as a nootropic, offering improvements in cognitive performance through several mechanisms of action.

  • Caffeine as a Central Nervous System Stimulant: Caffeine, the primary active compound in guarana, acts as a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant. It achieves its effects by antagonizing adenosine receptors, particularly the A1 and A2A subtypes. Adenosine, a neuromodulator that promotes sleep and relaxation, exerts its effects by binding to these receptors. Caffeine's antagonistic action inhibits the effect of adenosine, leading to increased neuronal activity and the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine. This results in enhanced alertness, attention, and cognitive performance.
  • Synergistic Effects of Bioactive Compounds: Guarana contains more than just caffeine; it also has theobromine, tannins, saponins, and catechins, which contribute to its nootropic effects. Theobromine, similar to caffeine, is a mild CNS stimulant that can further enhance mood and alertness. Tannins and catechins, with their antioxidant properties, may protect neuronal cells from oxidative stress, potentially improving brain health and function. Saponins have been suggested to play a role in modulating immune system activity, which could indirectly support cognitive function by maintaining overall health.
  • Prolonged and Stable Effect: Unlike the caffeine found in coffee, which can lead to a rapid spike and subsequent crash in energy levels, guarana's caffeine is released more slowly due to its interaction with other compounds, such as tannins. This slow release mechanism ensures a more sustained and stable stimulatory effect on the CNS, leading to prolonged improvements in attention and concentration without the abrupt fluctuations associated with coffee consumption.
  • Enhancement of Cognitive Processes: Research suggests that guarana's effect on cognitive performance is not limited to simple CNS stimulation. Guarana may also improve the efficiency of higher-order cognitive processes, including working memory, executive function, and decision-making. This is possibly due to the enhanced neuronal activity and neurotransmitter release facilitated by guarana's bioactive compounds, improving neural communication and processing within the brain.

Enhances Memory Recall and Reaction Times

Guarana's efficacy in enhancing memory recall and reducing reaction times can be attributed to its comprehensive blend of bioactive compounds, including caffeine, theobromine, and a potent mix of antioxidants.

This combination not only promotes increased alertness and attention but also facilitates improved cognitive functions, crucial for learning and information processing.

  • Enhanced Neurotransmitter Release: The caffeine in guarana plays a pivotal role in its nootropic effects by inhibiting adenosine receptors, as mentioned earlier. This inhibition leads to an increase in the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which are critical for enhancing memory and speeding up reaction times. Dopamine, in particular, is essential for memory formation and recall, while norepinephrine influences attention, alertness, and reaction speed.
  • Antioxidant Protection and Neuroprotection: Guarana contains powerful antioxidants such as catechins and tannins, which protect brain cells from oxidative stress and damage. Oxidative stress is known to impair cognitive functions and can negatively affect memory and learning. By neutralizing free radicals, the antioxidants in guarana support brain health, potentially enhancing memory recall and cognitive performance over time.
  • Synergistic Effects of Phytochemicals: The combined action of guarana's caffeine, theobromine, and antioxidants may contribute to its cognitive benefits beyond what caffeine could achieve alone. Theobromine, similar to caffeine but less potent, provides a mild stimulant effect without the jitteriness often associated with high caffeine intake. This can lead to improved focus and alertness over extended periods, supporting learning processes and information retention. Additionally, the synergistic effect of these compounds may enhance neural efficiency, supporting faster processing and reaction times.

Reduces Mental Fatigue and Improves Mood

One of the most appreciated effects of guarana in the context of cognitive enhancement is its ability to reduce mental fatigue and improve mood.

This is particularly relevant in today's fast-paced world, where prolonged mental tasks and stress can lead to burnout.

Guarana's stimulating properties not only help ward off tiredness but also have mood-enhancing effects, potentially due to the synergistic action of its bioactive compounds.

This dual effect of improving alertness while uplifting mood can significantly enhance overall productivity and well-being.

  • Adenosine Receptor Antagonism: The primary stimulant in guarana, caffeine, operates by antagonizing adenosine receptors. Adenosine typically promotes feelings of tiredness and relaxation by slowing down neural activity. When caffeine blocks these receptors, it prevents adenosine from exerting its sedative effects, thus reducing mental fatigue and enhancing alertness and focus. This action helps individuals maintain cognitive performance over extended periods of intense mental work.
  • Dopaminergic and Serotonergic Effects: Guarana's impact on mood is partly attributed to its influence on dopamine and serotonin pathways. Caffeine's stimulatory effect leads to increased dopamine release, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation. This can result in improved mood and a sense of well-being. Moreover, the interaction of guarana's compounds with serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to mood regulation, may further contribute to its mood-enhancing properties. By positively affecting these neurotransmitter systems, guarana can help elevate mood and combat feelings of mental fatigue.
  • Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Actions: The catechins, tannins, and saponins present in guarana possess potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Oxidative stress and inflammation have been linked to mood disorders and cognitive fatigue. By neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation, the antioxidants in guarana may contribute to improved mood and cognitive resilience, helping to protect against the mental exhaustion that comes with prolonged cognitive tasks.
  • Synergistic Action of Phytochemicals: Unlike synthetic stimulants, guarana contains a unique combination of caffeine, theobromine, and other bioactive compounds that work together to produce a balanced stimulant effect without the abrupt crashes associated with pure caffeine consumption. This synergistic action ensures a sustained release of energy, reducing the likelihood of mental fatigue while simultaneously improving mood over a more extended period. The gradual onset and steady effect of guarana's stimulant properties make it particularly effective for long-duration tasks requiring sustained mental energy and focus.
  • Psychological Effects of Reduced Fatigue: The reduction of mental fatigue itself can indirectly enhance mood by alleviating the stress and irritability often associated with prolonged cognitive effort. By improving alertness and reducing feelings of tiredness, guarana helps individuals stay more engaged and positive during demanding tasks, thereby supporting better mental health and well-being.


Scientific Evidence on Guarana Seed's Benefits

Antioxidant Properties

Guarana's remarkable antioxidant capacity stems from its high content of catechins, tannins, and saponins—compounds that play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause cellular damage, contributing to oxidative stress and the onset of various chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.


  • Catechins are potent antioxidants commonly found in guarana and green tea. These compounds are known for their ability to scavenge free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Research has highlighted catechins' effectiveness in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases by improving blood vessel function and lowering inflammation.


  • Tannins contribute to guarana's antioxidant properties by binding to proteins and other organic compounds, which can help protect cells from oxidative harm. Tannins have been associated with anti-carcinogenic and anti-microbial activities, suggesting their potential in cancer prevention and immune support.


  • Saponins are another group of bioactive compounds in guarana with antioxidant effects. Besides their antioxidative action, saponins are known for their cholesterol-lowering properties and ability to boost the immune system, further supporting the body's defence against chronic conditions.

Studies have demonstrated the significant antioxidative capacity of guarana, emphasizing its potential to enhance cellular health and longevity.

For instance, research has shown that guarana extract can inhibit lipid peroxidation, a process that contributes to cell membrane damage and aging.

By preventing oxidative stress, guarana helps maintain cellular integrity and function, which is vital for reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Moreover, the antioxidant properties of guarana extend beyond disease prevention.

Antioxidants play a key role in mitigating inflammation, which is a common underlying factor in many health conditions.

By reducing inflammation, guarana may help alleviate symptoms associated with inflammatory diseases and support overall well-being.

Stimulating Effects

As explored in earlier sections, guarana's stimulating effects are largely due to its superior caffeine concentration, surpassing that of coffee beans.

This makes guarana an effective natural stimulant, enhancing alertness, and reducing the perceived effort required for both physical and mental tasks.

Scientific research has indicated that guarana's caffeine acts synergistically with other compounds in the seed, such as theobromine and theophylline, to produce a more balanced and prolonged stimulant effect.

This effect is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to increase their productivity and endurance without the jitteriness and crash often associated with high caffeine intake from other sources.



Health Benefits Beyond Cognition

Weight Management

Guarana has garnered attention for its potential role in weight management. The compound is associated with increased fat oxidation, which is the process of breaking down fatty acids for energy.

Guarana has been shown to enhance this process, facilitating the use of stored fat as an energy source. This effect is particularly beneficial for weight loss, as it helps reduce fat stores in the body, contributing to overall weight reduction.

Beyond fat oxidation, guarana's stimulating effects, attributable to its caffeine, can significantly boost metabolism.

A higher metabolic rate means the body expends more energy performing its basic functions, which can lead to increased energy expenditure and further support weight loss.

Caffeine achieves this by stimulating the central nervous system, raising heart rate, and enhancing thermogenesis—the process by which the body generates heat and energy from digesting food.

This thermogenic effect can contribute to more calories burned throughout the day, aiding in weight management.

While guarana can enhance fat oxidation and metabolism on its own, studies have emphasized its effectiveness when combined with healthy lifestyle choices, such as balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.

Guarana's ability to boost energy levels can also support more active lifestyles, encouraging increased physical activity, which is a cornerstone of effective weight management.

This makes guarana not just a standalone solution but a valuable complement to a comprehensive approach to weight loss and health.

Cardiovascular Health

The wealth of antioxidants present in guarana, such as catechins and tannins, plays a significant role in promoting cardiovascular health.

Catechins and tannins in guarana have been shown to positively affect blood circulation and the integrity of blood vessels.

These antioxidants can help dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure, which are crucial factors in maintaining cardiovascular health.

Improved circulation ensures that oxygen and nutrients are efficiently delivered throughout the body, while stronger blood vessels reduce the risk of vascular damage and related heart conditions.

One of the key roles of antioxidants in cardiovascular health is their ability to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, known as 'bad' cholesterol.

Oxidized LDL is a major contributor to the development of atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the buildup of fatty deposits on the walls of arteries, leading to reduced blood flow and increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The antioxidants in guarana can neutralize free radicals, preventing them from oxidizing LDL cholesterol, thereby mitigating one of the primary processes in the development of atherosclerosis.

Anti-aging Potential

Guarana's antioxidant properties play a crucial role in its anti-aging capabilities, offering a protective shield for skin health and acting as a bulwark against the aging process.

Oxidative stress, a primary aging accelerator, contributes to wrinkles, diminished skin elasticity, and other aging indicators.

The potent antioxidants in guarana effectively neutralize free radicals, the culprits behind cellular damage and premature aging.

This action safeguards skin cell integrity, mitigating fine lines, wrinkles, and other aging signs, thereby preserving skin health and its youthful appearance.

The relevance of this protective mechanism extends beyond mere aesthetics, as oxidative stress is implicated in various skin diseases and conditions.

Furthermore, guarana's antioxidants play a pivotal role in boosting skin elasticity and hydration.

As we age, our skin's elasticity and firmness decline, but antioxidants aid in collagen and elastin production—key proteins that maintain the skin's supple and resilient nature.

This support helps sustain youthful skin texture and resilience against environmental challenges.

In addition to countering oxidative damage, guarana boasts anti-inflammatory properties derived from its bioactive compounds.

Inflammation, a contributor to various skin ailments, can intensify aging signs.

Guarana's compounds alleviate inflammation, bolstering the skin's natural repair and regeneration capabilities. This not only reduces redness and swelling but also promotes the health and vitality of the skin.

Guarana thus supports overall skin's repair and regeneration, essential for refreshing aged or damaged cells and maintaining a youthful glow.


Brain-shaped tree with roots, entwined with guarana vines, in a mystical forest


How to Use Guarana Seed

Different Forms of Guarana Consumption

Guarana is remarkably versatile, making it accessible for various preferences and lifestyles. It is available in several forms, each offering unique advantages:

  • Powder: Guarana powder can be added to smoothies, juices, or water. It offers flexibility in dosage and is ideal for those who prefer natural, unprocessed supplements.
  • Capsules: For those seeking convenience and precision in dosage, guarana capsules are an excellent choice. They are easy to incorporate into daily routines, especially for busy individuals.
  • Energy Drinks: Guarana is often a key ingredient in energy drinks. While convenient, it's important to be mindful of the sugar and other additives these drinks may contain.
  • Teas: Guarana teas provide a soothing way to enjoy the benefits. They can be a great alternative for those who enjoy warm beverages and are looking for a moderate stimulant effect.

Recommended Dosages for Health Benefits

The ideal dosage of guarana can vary based on individual tolerance and the specific benefits sought. General guidelines suggest:

  • Cognitive Effects: A typical dosage for cognitive enhancement and improved alertness ranges from 50-75 mg of guarana. This range is considered effective for most individuals without causing overstimulation.
  • Adjusting Dosage: It’s important to start with a lower dose to assess tolerance and gradually increase if necessary. Remember that guarana is high in caffeine, and sensitivity to caffeine varies among individuals.

Timing and Combining with Other Supplements

To get the most out of guarana, consider the timing and how it's combined with other supplements:

  • Timing: Taking guarana in the morning can help kickstart your day with increased alertness and energy. It can also be beneficial before exercise to enhance performance and endurance. Avoid consuming guarana late in the day to prevent potential disruptions to sleep patterns.
  • Combining with Other Supplements: Guarana pairs well with other nootropics for enhanced cognitive benefits. However, caution is advised when combining it with other stimulants to avoid excessive stimulation. It can also be combined with supplements that offer complementary benefits, such as omega-3 fatty acids for brain health or antioxidants for overall wellness.


Safety and Side Effects

General Safety of Guarana

For most adults, guarana is considered safe when consumed in moderation. Its long history of use in traditional medicine and as a stimulant in various cultures underscores its general acceptability.

However, due to its high caffeine content, the key is moderation to avoid adverse effects associated with excessive caffeine intake.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

While guarana can offer significant benefits, certain side effects might arise, particularly if consumed in large quantities. These can include:

  • Insomnia: The stimulating effect of caffeine can lead to difficulties falling asleep or maintaining sleep.
  • Nervousness: Some individuals may experience feelings of anxiety or jitteriness, similar to consuming high amounts of coffee.
  • Stomach Irritation: Guarana can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, leading to discomfort or digestive issues for some people.
  • Increased Heart Rate: As a stimulant, guarana can temporarily increase heart rate, which might be uncomfortable or risky for those with certain heart conditions.

Interactions with Medications and Specific Health Conditions

Guarana's effects can interact with various medications and affect individuals with specific health conditions differently:

  • Heart Conditions: Individuals with heart problems should exercise caution due to guarana's potential to increase heart rate.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Those with anxiety disorders may find that guarana exacerbates their symptoms due to its stimulating effects.
  • Stimulant Medications: Guarana can interact with stimulant medications, potentially amplifying their effects and leading to adverse reactions.

Importance of Moderation and Consulting with a Healthcare Professional

Moderation is key to safely incorporating guarana into your health and wellness regimen.

Starting with a lower dose and observing how your body reacts can help mitigate potential side effects.

Moreover, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement, especially if you have existing health conditions, are pregnant, or are taking medications.

A healthcare provider can offer personalized advice based on your health history and current medications, ensuring that guarana is a safe and effective addition to your routine.

Modern kitchen with a blender, fruits, and a recipe book, overlooking a rainforest



Guarana (Paullinia cupana) emerges not just as a simple seed but as a potent emblem of vitality, resilience, and health.

Beyond its invigorating caffeine content, guarana offers a tapestry of bioactive compounds that harmonize to enhance cognitive functions, support cardiovascular health, and contribute to weight management, among other benefits.

Its rich antioxidant profile and ability to improve mental and physical performance affirm its revered status among indigenous communities and its growing acclaim in contemporary wellness circles.

Are you considering joining the ranks of those who have experienced the cognitive benefits of nootropics? To learn more about how our Mood & Wellbeing Nootropic Supplement might fit into your lifestyle, visit us at nooroots.


Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Guarana Seed?

Guarana Seed comes from the Paullinia cupana plant, native to the Amazon, and is known for its high caffeine content and energy-boosting properties.

How does Guarana Seed work as a nootropic?

Guarana Seed enhances cognitive function by stimulating the central nervous system, improving alertness, memory, and mental performance.

Can Guarana Seed improve memory?

Yes, studies suggest that Guarana Seed can improve memory and cognitive function due to its stimulating effects and antioxidant properties.

Is Guarana Seed safe for daily use?

Guarana Seed is generally safe for daily use in moderate amounts. It’s important to follow recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if sensitive to caffeine.

What are the benefits of Guarana Seed for the brain?

Guarana Seed supports brain health by enhancing focus, improving mental clarity, boosting energy, and providing antioxidant protection.

How much Guarana Seed should I take for cognitive benefits?

Typical dosages for cognitive benefits range from 50 to 200 mg of Guarana Seed extract per day, depending on caffeine tolerance.

Are there any side effects of taking Guarana Seed?

Some individuals may experience side effects such as insomnia, jitteriness, or digestive issues, particularly if consumed in large amounts due to its caffeine content.

Can Guarana Seed help with anxiety and depression?

Guarana Seed may help alleviate mild anxiety and depression by boosting energy levels and improving mood, though excessive intake can exacerbate anxiety.

What is the best way to take Guarana Seed for nootropic effects?

Guarana Seed can be taken in capsule, tablet, or powder form, and is often included in energy drinks and supplements. It is best taken in the morning to avoid sleep disturbances.

How long does it take to see the effects of Guarana Seed on cognitive function?

The cognitive benefits of Guarana Seed can typically be felt within 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion, with effects lasting several hours.


Learn more about the vitamins, minerals and plant extracts we use to give your brain a daily boost



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